About us

MJus Ltd. (Finnish co. ID  Y-0471379-6) is a Finland based consulting and investment company specialised on wireless industry. Our expertise comprise wireless technology management, strategic planning, market entry/exit planning and change management. 

We are familiar with wireless connectivity, mobile applications and ecosystem cum platform business cases.
Furthermore, we have more than 10 years experience in energy autonomy solar lights, power banks and integrated solar energy systems.

If  you need assistance to enter to Asia/Pacific  & African markets or from Asia / Africa to European markets, you have come to the right place.

Our experience and business network are extensive.
With our associates we can assist in contract negotiations and vendor management (electonics components and manufacturers), too.

We provide you business coaching and mentoring, too.

The business philosophy is to maintain high integrity and to avoid any conflicting business assignments.


Sr. Advisor, Jouko M, Häyrynen


We all looked better 20 yrs ago!

Motto: "If it is not wireless, it is not worth the effort"




1st  Sept., 2024


Name:                           Jouko Matias Häyrynen

Date of Birth:                March 12, 1957

Place of Birth:               Ii, Finland

Marital status:               Married

National service:           Sergeant, guerilla signal corps, 1977


Education:                        - Matriculation Exam (1979), Ii Gymnasium, Finland

                                         - Radio Officer, IMO 1st class (1979), Rauma Maritime College, Finland

                                         - B.Sc., Radio Engineering (1984), Oulu Polytechnic, Finland

                                         - Executive MBA (1992), Helsinki School of Economics, Finland


Work Experience



                                          Sr. Advisori Jan 2022 - 



MJus Ltd., Finland              Managing Director Jan 2004 - Dec 2021


                                           MJus Ltd. Family owned investment, consulting and trading company.

                                           Consulting: strategic planning, technology management, 

                                           change management and business development, start-p coaching, establishing operations in             
                                           the Nordic region and Asia/Pacific, mergers and acquistions.



Suntrica Ltd., Finland         Chairman &  Sr. Partner 2/2012 – 1/2017


                                           Advanced small and medium scale solar energy solutions for B2C and B2B applications.


Suntrica Ltd., Finland         CEO 2/2009-2/2012


                                           Advanced small and medium scale solar energy solutions for B2C and B2B applications.


Nanoradio AB, Sweden       Chairman of the Board 9/2005-7/2008


                                            Fabless semiconductor (WiFi) chip set development.


Symbian UK Ltd.                  Member of the Supervisory Board of Symbian Ltd. 2001 - 2003


                                             Cellular operating system company. Jointly owned by Nokia Oyj, Motorola Inc.,  

                                             Matsushita-Panasonic K.K., Sony-Ericsson AB and Psion plc


Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd., Finland 1997-2003, several senior management positions

                                            2001 – 2003 Vice President, Strategic Investments

                                            Forum Nokia, developer community http://www.forum.nokia.com/

                                            Symbian UK Ltd.

                                            2000 – 2001 VP Strategic Business Development, 3G and Digital Convergence

                                            1997 – 1999 VP Global R&D

                                            1997 VP, R&D Centre Salo


Nokia Corporation 1996-1997      

                                            VP Strategy & Business Development, Asia/Pacific (India, China, Japan)


Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd., Finland 1991-1996

                                            Senior Vice President, Asia/Pacific

                                            Member of the Management Board, Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd. 

                                            Vice President, Sales, Asia/Pacific & the Gulf

                                            Vice President, Exports


Nokia (SEA) Pte. Ltd., Singapore 1989 -1991

                                            Area Director, Asia/Pacific


Nokia Mobira Oy, Finland 1986-1989

                                            Export Manager, Asia/ Pacific


Mobira Oy, Finland 1984-1986

                                           Export Manager, South East Asia 

                                           Manager, Technical Support


Post & Telecom Authority of Finland 1979 – 1984

                                           Several assignments in Helsinkiradio, coastal maritime radio station.


Finnish merchant fleet and Finnish Maritime Administration 1979 – 1980

                                           Several radio officer assignments in merchant vessels and icebreakers.


Private Investments and Board Memberships 

Lounea Ltd., Finland             

                                            Regional broadband and telephone operator. www.lounea.fi

                                            5/2007 - 5/2023.

Lingsoft Oy                           Member of the Advisory www.lingsoft.fi 

                                              Linguistic Solutions.  2/2004 – 5/2012.


Finembe Ltd., Finland                            Shareholder, member of the board

http://www.finembe.fi                               IP based security solutions for real estate, home and industry

                                                               1/2008 – 2017 


Suntrica Ltd., Finland                              Founding partner, member of the board, (Chairman 2006-2009)

http://www.suntrica.com                           Advanced solar energy solutions for 

                                                               various portable applications. 9/2006 – 2017 


TCG Nordic Ltd.                                        Co-Founder, Partner

www.theconversationgroup.com                Social Media consulting and expertise services for the Scandinavian

                                                                and Baltic markets. 8/2009-10/2012


Softconnection Ltd.                                 Shareholder, 1/2005 – 12/2011

http://www.softconnection.com                  Chairman of the board 2005-2008 

                                                                Wireless Enterprise e2e Solutions. 


First Round Oy                                         Founding partner

http://www.firstround.fi/                             Business services for start-ups and SME

                                                                companies within Finland. Since 05/2007 – 9/2014 


SaRus Consulting Oy                              Co-Founder, Partner and Chairman of the board

http://www.sarus.fi                                   Consulting services for business development in Russian market. 



Iqua Ltd.                                                  Co-Founder, Partner 8/2004-9/2009 

http://www.iqua.com                                  Connectivity Accessories for wireless.

                                                                 Member of the board 8/2004 - 4/2008


Nanoradio AB                                            Chairman of the Board 9/2005 – 7/2008

http://www.nanoradio.com                          Mobile WiFi chipset development.



Mobile Data Now (NZ) Ltd.                        Co-Founder, Member of the Board
www.mobiledatanow.com                             Mobile Security Software, 2003 – 2006 

University of Turku                                  Member of Advisory Council 2003-2010 
www.utu.fi                                                (Council was discontinued due to university merger with 
                                                                  the local business school in 2010)

TEKES                                                       Member of Steering Committee / TULI-programme 2008-2012
                                                               National New Technology Innovation Programme ending 11/2012.
www.tekes.fi        http://akseli.tekes.fi/opencms/opencms/OhjelmaPortaali/ohjelmat/TULI/fi/etusivu.html



Extensive lecturing in Finnish Technical Universities and Polytechnics, 
International Industry Seminars and Conferences since 1988 –
(Cellular Products and Services, Digital Convergence, Mobile Applications and Services, 
Wireless Corporate Solutions, Wireless Ecosystems, Solar energy technologies, Change Management etc.)